A Beginner’s Guide to Sending and Receiving BRC-20 Tokens

April Bewell

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Introduction to the Evolution of Bitcoin’s Network

Bitcoin’s journey through technological advancements has been a rollercoaster of milestones, upgrades, and innovations, each adding a new layer to its history. Just when you think you’ve mastered its nuances, it introduces something new that changes the game. 

Two recent milestones in particular, the Segregated Witness (SegWit) and Taproot upgrades have emerged as the dynamic duo, propelling Bitcoin into a new era of scaling and efficiency. These aren’t just upgrades; they’re transformative shifts that open up an entire league of innovations for developers and users alike, setting the stage for a scalable, efficient, and diverse DeFi ecosystem on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Enter stage left, BRC-20 tokens, marking Bitcoin’s foray into the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape with unprecedented excitement. These tokens aren’t just another feature; they represent a critical evolution by introducing DeFi capabilities previously unseen on Bitcoin’s blockchain. Much like ERC-20, BRC-20 tokens has unlocked Decentralized Finance into Bitcoin’s secure platform. 

This integration is significant, blending Bitcoin’s unmatched security with DeFi’s flexibility and innovation, thereby promising a more inclusive and efficient financial ecosystem. From lending and borrowing platforms to yield farming and liquidity pools, BRC-20 tokens are not only carving out Bitcoin’s niche in the DeFi world but also offering a secure, decentralized alternative to the traditional financial systems, marking a significant stride towards a scalable and diverse DeFi ecosystem on the Bitcoin blockchain

However, as with any grand entrance, it comes with a couple challenges that we must iron out. Integrating these tokens with Bitcoin, particularly with SegWit and Taproot addresses, presents some unique challenges as users eager to explore this new frontier often encounter difficulties due to compatibility issues leading to confusion and failed transactions.

This article aims to clarify the complexities surrounding BRC-20 tokens’ interaction with Taproot and SegWit. We’re here to untangle the technical spaghetti, shine a light on those oh-so-human user experience challenges, and guide you through the maze.  

By unpacking the main issues, delving into the technical specifics, and addressing user experience challenges, we intend to equip users with the knowledge necessary for smooth navigation in Bitcoin’s DeFi space. 

Understanding the Basics: BRC-20, Taproot, and SegWit

For the average user, the Bitcoin network’s evolution introduces a landscape filled with new terminology, operations, and processes that can seem daunting at first glance. The complexity begins with understanding the different address formats – from legacy to SegWit to Taproot. Each serves its purpose and comes with its own set of rules for interaction, especially concerning BRC-20 tokens. For someone just dipping their toes into Bitcoin’s DeFi waters, the learning curve can feel more like a steep cliff.

So before we delve into the specific issues faced by users, it’s essential to establish a foundational understanding of the key components involved in this :

  • SegWit (Segregated Witness): Activated in 2017, SegWit, or Segregated Witness, is like Hermione using the Expansion Charm and figuring out how to expand the inside without changing the outside. By separating the witness information from the transaction data, SegWit effectively increases the block size without changing the block capacity. This means more transactions per block, less congestion, and lower fees—making Bitcoin not just a store of value but a more efficient medium of exchange. SegWit unclogged the network by separating transaction signatures from data, instantly boosting capacity by 60%. It’s the upgrade that prepared Bitcoin for the future, making room for innovations like the Lightning Network and, yes, the integration of BRC-20 tokens and Taproot addresses.
  • Taproot: Then we have Taproot in 2021, the magician who makes Bitcoin transactions more private, efficient, and flexible. After Bitcoin went and got an upgrade, it came back not just stronger but also more nimble and discreet. Taproot makes it possible for complex transactions to look the same as simple, direct transactions in the eyes of the blockchain. This not only enhances privacy but also opens up the potential for smart contracts that are more complex and, frankly, more useful. It’s a major leap towards making Bitcoin’s blockchain a playground for innovative DeFi applications.
  • BRC-20 Tokens: Imagine walking into a party and realizing you can trade not just stories but actual value, seamlessly and securely. That’s the vibe BRC-20 tokens bring to Bitcoin. Inspired by Ethereum’s ERC-20, BRC-20 tokens introduce a layer of versatility to the Bitcoin blockchain, allowing for the creation, distribution, and management of tokens right on Bitcoin’s secure and battle-tested network. However, they’re not just about creating new tokens; they’re about opening doors to decentralized finance (DeFi) applications directly on Bitcoin, making the blockchain not just a one-trick pony but a full-fledged circus of financial possibilities.

Bringing BRC-20 tokens, Taproot, and SegWit together on the Bitcoin blockchain is like forming a supergroup in the world of DeFi. Each brings its own strengths to the table significantly increasing transaction throughput, reducing fees by 30%, and improving privacy.  BRC-20 tokens introduce DeFi capabilities, Taproot brings privacy and smart contract functionality, and SegWit offers the scalability needed to support it all.

The Conundrum: Sending BRC-20 to Taproot Addresses

As with any supergroup, there’s a bit of a learning curve in getting them to play in harmony. Compatibility challenges, particularly when sending BRC-20 tokens to Taproot addresses via SegWit, highlight the growing pains of integrating these advanced features. 

One of the most common BTC-20 challenges is the risk of sending BRC-20 tokens to an incompatible address type. Funds are not SAFU and this mistake can lead to lost funds or tokens that are locked and unrecoverable. The process of ensuring you’re using the correct address format for the specific transaction type is fraught with potential for error, exacerbated by the subtle differences in address prefixes that might not be immediately clear to users.

At the core of this challenge lies the “address dilemma.” While both Taproot and SegWit are pivotal advancements, their interaction with the novel BRC-20 tokens has not been entirely seamless.  Bitcoin addresses have evolved from the original Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH) format to the more efficient SegWit and the privacy-enhancing Taproot addresses. Each of these advancements was aimed at improving the network in one way or another—be it through increased transaction capacity, reduced fees, or enhanced privacy. 

The issues primarily stem from the nuanced differences in how these addresses interpret and process transactions.  The first layer of intricacy arises from the varying address formats introduced by SegWit and Taproot. Bitcoin addresses generated through SegWit (starting with “bc1q”) and Taproot (beginning with “bc1p”) use different encoding schemes. SegWit addresses were designed to segregate the signature data (witness) from the transaction data, offering a solution to the blockchain’s scalability concerns. Taproot addresses, further refine this approach by enabling more complex data privacy and efficiency improvements. 

When BRC-20 tokens enter this equation, they must navigate these distinct address formats and the underlying scripting languages. This evolution has introduced complexity and confusion for BRC-20 token transactions, particularly when these tokens are sent to Taproot addresses that utilize the SegWit protocol for efficiency gains. The specific scripting and processing requirements can lead to mismatches and transaction failures, leaving users in a bind. Taproot addresses are not universally compatible with all aspects of the BRC-20 token standard. This discrepancy can lead to transactions being rejected or failing to process correctly. 

As we transition from the intricate technical landscape of BRC-20 tokens, SegWit, and Taproot, it becomes clear that these innovations, while technologically groundbreaking, introduce a new layer of complexity from a user’s perspective. The leap from understanding the blockchain’s underlying mechanisms to navigating its DeFi ecosystem presents a unique set of user experience challenges. 

This technical tangle is further complicated by a user experience quandary. The average Bitcoin enthusiast, eager to explore the DeFi capabilities of BRC-20 tokens, might not be fully versed in the subtleties of address formats and their compatibility nuances. As mentioned, the intricacies of choosing the correct address type for BRC-20 transactions are not always straightforward, leading to a less intuitive user experience.  

The result is a landscape where even seasoned users can inadvertently send tokens to incompatible addresses, leading to lost funds or locked tokens—a scenario that can deter participation and innovation within Bitcoin’s DeFi ecosystem.

This shift in focus from the ‘how’ to the ‘experience’ underscores the importance of designing solutions that not only address the technical hurdles but also cater to the practical, everyday needs of users engaging with Bitcoin’s evolving DeFi space. 

Let’s delve into these user experience challenges, highlighting the critical role platforms like Orange Crypto play in bridging the gap between advanced functionality and user-friendly interaction.

1. User Error: Misunderstanding Token Compatibility: A common misconception might be that BRC-20 tokens can be seamlessly used with any Bitcoin address type, leading users to send tokens to incompatible addresses, such as traditional Bitcoin addresses that don’t support the token standard.

2. Misconception: Equating BRC-20 With ERC-20: Users familiar with Ethereum’s ERC-20 tokens might incorrectly assume that BRC-20 tokens operate under similar principles, especially regarding smart contract interactions and token functionalities, overlooking the distinct infrastructure and limitations of the Bitcoin blockchain for these tokens.

3. User Error: Confusion Over Wallet Support: Given the limited infrastructure supporting BRC-20 tokens, users may erroneously believe that all Bitcoin wallets can handle these tokens, leading to issues where tokens are sent to wallets that cannot recognize or manage them effectively.

4. Misconception: Underestimating Security Needs: Users might not fully appreciate the security implications of managing BRC-20 tokens, particularly the importance of using non-custodial wallets to retain control over their private keys, as emphasized by the decentralized and secure nature of the Bitcoin network.

These challenges can be daunting, especially for those who are not deeply entrenched in the technical details of blockchain technology. Here lies the crucial pivot from understanding the ‘how’ of these technologies to grappling with the ‘experience’ of using them in the real world. The transition from a technical deep dive to user experience considerations is not just about shifting focus but about bridging the gap between innovation and accessibility.

Navigating the Challenge with Orange Crypto

Recognizing the potential friction points for users navigating this new landscape, has designed its ecosystem with a keen emphasis on user experience. The Orange Wallet, with its intuitive interface, addresses many of the challenges users face.  With its intuitive Orange Wallet, users gain access to a suite of features designed to simplify the DeFi experience. Key among these solutions are:

  • Decentralized and Non-Custodial Wallet: Orange Wallet ensures users retain full control over their private keys and assets, embodying the true spirit of decentralization. This approach not only enhances security but also aligns with the ethos of the Bitcoin community​​.

  • Seamless Swap Functionality: Orange Swap facilitates easy and efficient token swaps within the Bitcoin ecosystem, supporting a range of assets including BRC-20 tokens, and ensuring users can navigate DeFi activities with ease​​.

By simplifying the management of BRC-20 tokens and integrating support for SegWit and Taproot addresses, Orange Crypto demystifies the DeFi space for its users. This transition from technical complexity to streamlined user experience is where Orange Crypto shines, making it a beacon for users looking to explore Bitcoin’s DeFi capabilities without getting lost in the technical weeds.

The shift towards focusing on user experience is critical as it underscores the importance of making blockchain technology accessible and usable for a broader audience. It’s not enough for innovations like BRC-20 tokens, SegWit, and Taproot to exist in the abstract; they must be integrated into platforms and wallets in ways that enhance, rather than complicate, the user’s journey. This is the philosophy at the heart of Orange Crypto’s offerings, aiming to merge advanced functionality with user-friendly design.

Creating a Wallet for BRC-20 Tokens: Why Taproot Addresses?

For users interested in the DeFi ecosystem, particularly those dealing with BRC-20 tokens, choosing a wallet that supports Taproot addresses (starting with “bc1p”) is essential for ensuring compatibility and taking full advantage of Bitcoin’s latest technological advancements. This is a crucial step for anyone looking to dive into the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) on the Bitcoin network. 

These addresses are not only more efficient but also provide enhanced privacy features, making them ideal for DeFi transactions. The Segregated Witness (SegWit) upgrade, which introduced these address types, allows for smaller transaction sizes, reducing fees and improving transaction speed—a boon for DeFi participants.

Wallets with BRC-20 and Taproot Compatibility

Apart from the Orange Wallet which is designed with a focus on user experience and security, several wallets in the market support BRC-20 tokens and are compatible with Taproot addresses. 

Here are some compatible wallets:

OKX Wallet: Known for its robust security features and intuitive interface, the OKX Wallet supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including BRC-20 tokens. Its compatibility with Taproot addresses makes it a reliable option for users seeking efficiency and privacy in their transactions.

XVerse Wallet: XVerse Wallet offers a user-friendly platform for managing BRC-20 tokens, with full support for Taproot addresses. It’s an ideal choice for users who prioritize ease of use and are looking for a wallet that bridges the gap between traditional finance and DeFi.

Unisat Wallet: Catering specifically to the needs of DeFi enthusiasts, Unisat Wallet supports BRC-20 tokens and Taproot addresses, offering a seamless experience for engaging with decentralized applications and smart contracts on the Bitcoin network.

Transactions to Taproot and SegWit Addresses 

If you’ve inadvertently sent BRC-20 tokens to a SegWit address instead of a Taproot address, navigating the situation requires a careful approach. First, forgive yourself. Life happens. 

But, if you’re aiming to transition towards a Taproot address, here are some considerations to guide you through the process:

Inscribe First: “Inscribe first,” involves marking or specifying the transaction within the blockchain in a way that it becomes identifiable or retrievable. However, this process is highly specific and not a standard feature available to average users in most wallets. OrdinalsBot makes it easier to get into the inscribe processe.

Using Compatible Wallet for Transactions to Taproot: If you’re trying to send out to a Taproot address from a compatible wallet (like OKX Wallet) after mistakenly sending it to a SegWit address, the wallet’s interface and support features are crucial. This is why it’s crucial to find wallets known for their robust support and user-friendly interface, that might offer tools or assistance for rectifying transactions that didn’t go as planned. It’s recommended to contact your BRC-20 wallet’s support team directly for guidance on any possible corrective action.


Transaction Reversibility: It’s important to understand that blockchain transactions are inherently irreversible once confirmed. This means if your BRC-20 tokens were successfully sent to a SegWit address, reversing the transaction isn’t straightforward or, in most cases, possible.

Access to the SegWit Address: If you control the SegWit address to which the BRC-20 tokens were sent, you might be able to send the tokens back to your original wallet or directly to a Taproot address. This process would involve creating a new transaction from the SegWit address.

Compatibility Issues with Hardware Wallets: Hardware wallets, designed for enhanced security by keeping private keys offline, may not support the direct interaction needed for correcting such mistakes, especially if they do not support BRC-20 tokens or Taproot addresses natively.

Recommended Actions:

1. Contact Support: Reach out to your wallet’s customer support for specific advice and potential solutions tailored to their platform’s capabilities.

2. Review Wallet Compatibility: Ensure that both your sending and receiving wallets support BRC-20 tokens and are compatible with Taproot addresses. If using a hardware wallet, consult the manufacturer’s documentation or support to understand your options.

3. Educate and Proceed with Caution: Use this experience as a learning opportunity to further familiarize yourself with the specifics of Bitcoin addresses and the characteristics of BRC-20 tokens. Moving forward, double-check address formats and wallet compatibility before initiating transactions.

In situations where tokens are sent to an unintended address type, the options for recovery or correction are limited and heavily dependent on the specific circumstances and tools at your disposal. Always proceed with caution and utilize the resources and support available from your wallet provider.

Using Ordinals Bot

We briefly discussed inscribing as a step for recovery earlier. In addressing the complexities of BRC-20 tokens and ensuring their successful integration with Bitcoin’s SegWit and Taproot addresses, one innovative solution stands out: the Ordinals Bot. This tool represents a groundbreaking approach to reconciling transactions that might have gone awry due to address compatibility issues. 

Specifically designed to interact with the Bitcoin network’s latest features, the Ordinals Bot aids users in ‘inscribing’ their transactions, a process that marks BRC-20 tokens for transfer in a way that’s compatible with the nuanced requirements of Taproot addresses. 

It’s a digital lifeline for those who’ve found themselves caught in the crossfire of evolving technologies, ensuring that even if tokens are mistakenly sent to SegWit addresses, there’s a pathway to recovery. 

However, it’s important to note that this solution is most effective when users have direct control over the addresses involved, and might not be applicable for transactions involving hardware wallets due to their inherent security protocols. By leveraging the Ordinals Bot, users can navigate the transitional landscape of Bitcoin’s DeFi space with greater assurance and fewer losses

This bot can assist in recovering tokens by facilitating a transfer back to a correct Ordinals address. The process will likely involve generating a specific inscription linked to your BTC address, enabling the retrieval of your BRC-20 tokens. For detailed guidance and step-by-step instructions, refer to the official support resources provided by your wallet or the Ordinals Bot service. Here are the steps to recover Ordinals or BRC-20 tokens sent to the wrong address:

  1. Go to http://ordinalsbot.com/
  2. Select BRC-20
  3. Select Transfer
  4. Enter the ticker and amount you are wanting to transfer from your BTC address.
  5. Select Next
  6. Enter your BTC Nested Segwit Address that contains the token balance (starting with 3…) in the Receiving Address field.
  7. Uncheck the low postage option.
  8. Choose your fee amount Submit and Pay Invoice 

Now, that’s a full ride through the technical jungle of BRC-20 tokens, SegWit, and Taproot and navigating the challenges of using them. From the foundational understanding of these technologies to overcoming the practical hurdles they introduce, the path is both challenging and rewarding. 

We’ve seen how Bitcoin’s DeFi scene is kind of like a high-tech party that’s just getting started. Sure, there are hiccups, but solutions like the Ordinals Bot illuminate the innovative spirit driving the Bitcoin community forward, showcasing a commitment to not only advance the blockchain’s capabilities but also to ensure these advancements are accessible and practical for everyday users. 

Wrapping up, let’s not forget that every new feature, every upgrade like SegWit and Taproot, and even those tricky BRC-20 tokens, are all part of Bitcoin’s relentless innovation. The evolution of Bitcoin’s network through the integration of BRC-20 tokens, alongside SegWit and Taproot upgrades, heralds a new era of decentralized finance that is both promising and complex. 

Yes, the challenges are real, but so are the solutions. The challenges encountered by users, from addressing compatibility issues to navigating the nuanced user experience, underscore the necessity for ongoing education, intuitive tools, and community support. Platforms like Orange Crypto and solutions like the Ordinals Bot play pivotal roles in bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology and user accessibility, ensuring that the DeFi landscape on Bitcoin is not only innovative but also inclusive.

Looking ahead, the vibe is optimistic. Bitcoin’s DeFi landscape is expanding, and it’s packed with opportunities for everyone willing to dive in. The community’s spirit, fueled by innovation and a dash of creativity, is what makes this journey exciting. So, as we continue to explore, experiment, and engage with Bitcoin’s ever-evolving features, let’s keep the conversation light, the feedback loop open, and our digital wallets ready for whatever comes next. The future of DeFi on Bitcoin isn’t just promising—it’s exhilarating. And with everyone contributing to the beat, who knows what amazing innovations we’ll dance to next?