Token Gated Access and Benefits for $ORNJ Holders


Updated on:

The Orange Discord and Telegram communities now have token gated channels for early access, alpha calls, and exclusive benefits for our $ORNJ holders! :large_orange_circle::pill:

If you’re one of our holders, here are the steps to join each:

Discord:  Steps to Earn the @Holders Role and Access Token Gated Channels

1.  Create a Matrica account here:
2.  Tap Settings
3.  Tap Add Wallet
4.  Tap Link Your Discord
5.  Tap Link Your Wallet (please ensure the URL is the Matrica domain:
6.  Go to the Orange Discord:
7.  Tap the #:white_square_button:-holder-verifcation channel in Discord and tap the Manage Wallets button
(The admin bot will verify you are a holder and accept you if your linked wallet holds at least 100 $ORNJ)

Telegram:  Steps to Join the Token Gated Group and Topics

1.  Create a Matrica account here:
2.  Tap Settings
3.  Tap Add Wallet
4.  Tap Link Your Telegram
5.  Tap Link Your Wallet (please ensure the URL is the Matrica domain:
6.  Go to the Telegram Private Orange Holders Telegram group:
(The admin bot will verify you are a holder and accept you if your linked wallet holds at least 100 $ORNJ)

Please note that if you’ve done steps 1-3 for Discord or Telegram first, you will not have to repeat it to setup the other.

General channels remain open to the public. However, we aim to engage more intimately with our holders in the gated channels, offering exclusive insights, whitelists, alpha calls from various groups, and additional benefits to you. We look forward to you joining. (edited)